What Is The Internet? Hw to it work internet World

 What Is Internet? And How To It work?

The Internet, sometimes simply called "the Net," is a global system of computer networks -- a network of networks in which users on one computer can, if they have permission, access another computer. Can receive information from computers (and sometimes communicate directly with users of other computers).

It was conceived by the US government's Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) in 1969 and was previously known as ARPANET.

The original goal was to create a network that would allow users of research computers at one university to "talk" to research computers at other universities. A side benefit of ARPA Net's design was that, because messages could be routed or rerouted in more than one direction, the network could continue to operate even if parts of it were attacked by a military or other disaster. be destroyed

Today, the Internet is a collaborative and self-public organization that is accessible to people around the world.

It is used by many as a primary source of information consumption, and fuels the creation and development of its own social ecosystem through social media and content sharing. Additionally, e-commerce, or online shopping, has become one of the largest uses of the Internet.

How the Internet works?

Physically, the Internet consumes a fraction of the total resources of existing public telecommunications networks. Technically, what distinguishes the Internet is the use of a set of protocols called Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP). Two recent adaptations of Internet technology, intranets and extranets, also use the TCP/IP protocol.

The Internet can be viewed as two major components: network protocols and hardware. Protocols, such as the TCP/IP suite, provide sets of rules that devices must follow to complete tasks. 

Without this common set of rules, machines would not be able to communicate. Hardware, the other major component of the Internet, includes everything from a computer or smartphone used to access the Internet to the cables that carry information from one device to another. Additional types of hardware include satellites, radios, cell phone towers, routers, and servers. These different types of hardware are connections within a network. Devices such as computers, smartphones, and laptops are endpoints, or clients, while machines that store information are servers. Transmission lines that exchange data can be either satellite or wireless signals from 4G and cell phone towers, or physical lines, such as cables and fiber optics.


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